शनिवार, 7 अप्रैल 2012

About reporting.....

: The purview of the Supreme Court's deliberations to frame guidelines for how media should report sub-judice matters, which arose from indignation over a news report on "leaked" privileged communication between the counsel of Sahara Real Estate Corporation and Sebi, has now been expanded to include related cases which had been pending in the apex court since 1999.

While hearing Sahara's application, a five-judge bench headed by Chief Justice SH Kapadia had directed that "any party, who desires to make submissions in the matter, may do so by way of intervention". This prompted several public spirited lawyers and organizations to intervene in the deliberations.

During the discussions, the court had appeared to narrow down the issue before it to a debate on the framing of guidelines for reporting of criminal trials to guard against violation of Article 21 guaranteeing right of an accused to reputation and dignity and to ensure that his trial does not get prejudiced, and the witness protection mechanism is not impacted.

However, on April 4, the court ordered inclusion of four more media guideline-related petitions, two of which were pending since 1999 and 2000, within the zone of consideration by permitting the parties involved to make submissions on "framing of guidelines for reporting of cases in media" when the matter is taken up for hearing on April 10. This at once broadened the scope of the exercise.

The issues raised in these four petitions include norms for news coverage in electronic media, norms and guidelines to minimize presentation of sexual abuse and violence on TV channels, contempt proceedings against journalists for publishing confessional statements of accused before police and making police liable for damages for tarnishing the reputation of an accused by releasing details of investigation into a case.

In Criminal Appeal No. 1255 of 1999 titled PUCL vs State of Maharashtra, the News Broadcasters Association had desired to intervene and assist the apex court on the issue of "what norms should govern news coverage by the electronic media". On November 5, 2008, a bench headed by Justice Dalveer Bhandari had issued notices to all state and Union Territory governments.

The writ petition (civil) No. 387 of 2000 titled Common Cause vs Union of India last came up for hearing before the court in July 2009. The relief sought by the NGO was to "prescribe definite norms and guidelines for minimization of presentation of scenes of violence and sexual abuse in serials and programmes telecast by TV channels for avoidance of undesirable mental impact on the viewers, particularly children".

In the transfer case 27 of 2011, NGO Anhad had sought initiation of contempt proceedings against two senior journalists for "publishing confessional statements of accused before police and thereby prejudicing or tending to prejudice the due course of judicial proceedings of those accused".

Ban sought on cops leaking case information

Anhad had also sought a direction to the government to lay down guidelines "to be followed by both police and media regarding release of evidence or information and its publication against the accused claimed to be obtained by police during interrogation or investigation when the matter is sub-judice".

The fourth petition included in the list was a writ petition filed by Dr Surat Singh in 2008 in the aftermath of media reporting of UP police's version of the Aarushi murder case and the role of the accused. He had sought a complete ban on police leaking any information to media about pending investigations. He had also requested the court to make police officers personally liable for rushing to media and "making adverse comments or character assassination of an accused or his family members/friends or about the victim".

Singh had sought framing of guidelines and norms for coverage of criminal cases pending investigation "so that the right of privacy and to live with dignity is not at the mercy of irresponsible press or media as has been done in the case of the recent Aarushi murder case".

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